Scheduled For Release 2015-10-23
0000682: [feature request] Create tex.execute() (Hans Hagen)
0000621: [to be considered] Actual mathstyle differs from \mathstyle after \mathchoice (Hans Hagen)
0000607: [feature request] Extend TeX's \halign by allowing arbitrary \leaders for \tabskip ? (Hans Hagen)
0000457: [feature request] reminder: par related info (Hans Hagen)
0000039: [to be considered] type 3 fonts and pdf streams cq. images in virtual fonts (hhenkel)
0000562: [feature request] add build system architecture string to binary (Taco)
0000460: [feature request] reminder: tag generated boxes (hlist type and attr key) (Hans Hagen)
0000895: [luatex bug] Crash when font id is incorrectly passed in as -1 (Hans Hagen)
0000937: [luatex bug] lualatex trips over some JPEGS and aborts PDF generating process (or leads to unexpected results) (Hans Hagen)
9 of 9 issue(s) resolved. Progress (100%). View Issues