View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000686contextbug reportpublic2013-04-05 19:42
ReporterPeter Assigned ToHans Hagen  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000686: bad page breaks with \startitemize[columns]

How can one avoid these bad page breaks here:

    \startitemize[columns, intro]
    \item bla
    \input tufte

TIA for any hints,

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Hans Hagen

2013-04-05 19:42

manager   ~0001055

new implementation

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-06-22 22:15 Peter New Issue
2013-04-05 19:42 Hans Hagen Note Added: 0001055
2013-04-05 19:42 Hans Hagen Status new => closed
2013-04-05 19:42 Hans Hagen Assigned To => Hans Hagen
2013-04-05 19:42 Hans Hagen Resolution open => fixed