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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000110contextpublic2010-02-24 18:18
ReporterPeter Assigned ToHans Hagen  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000110: \BL and \CL
there are 2 problems with the example from the wiki:
\BL gives a black box and \CL gives the following error:

! Missing \endgroup inserted.
<inserted text>
<to be read again>
<template> \endtemplate

\normalTABLEmultirule 0000001->&
\use {0000001}\normalTABLElongrule &
\dodocomplexTableGL ...LEmultirule {#3}}\fi \next
\doPostTableGL 0000002
\TABLEgrayline ->\complexTableCOLOR [2,green]
l.13 \NC
\tex{AR} \NC automatic row\NC\SR

Here the test file:

% engine=luatex
\NC Command \NC Meaning \NC\SR
\NC \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC\FR
\NC \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC\LR
\NC \tex{AR} \NC automatic row\NC\SR

Cheers, Peter
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Hans Hagen

2010-02-24 18:18

manager   ~0000445

mkiv will have other ways to do this kind of hackery

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-11-24 16:05 Peter New Issue
2010-02-24 18:17 Hans Hagen Status new => assigned
2010-02-24 18:17 Hans Hagen Assigned To => Hans Hagen
2010-02-24 18:18 Hans Hagen Note Added: 0000445
2010-02-24 18:18 Hans Hagen Status assigned => closed
2010-02-24 18:18 Hans Hagen Resolution open => fixed