%&luatex \pdfoutput1 \directlua0{\unexpanded{ function load_otf_font(filename,size) local f = { } local font = fontforge.open(filename) if font then local otffont = fontforge.to_table(font) f.name = otffont.fontname f.fullname = otffont.names[1].names.fullname f.parameters = { } otffont.design_size = otffont.design_size or 100 f.designsize = 65536 * otffont.design_size / 10 if size < 0 then size = f.designsize * (-size / 1000) end f.size = size f.parameters.slant = 0 f.parameters.space = size * 0.25 f.parameters.space_stretch = 0.3 * size f.parameters.space_shrink = 0.1 * size f.parameters.x_height = 0.4 * size f.parameters.quad = 1.0 * size f.parameters.extra_space = 0 f.characters = { } local scaling = size / otffont.units_per_em local names_of_char = { } for char, glyph in pairs(otffont.map.map) do names_of_char[otffont.glyphs[glyph].name] = otffont.map.backmap[glyph] end for char, glyph in pairs(otffont.map.map) do local glyph_table = otffont.glyphs[glyph] f.characters[char] = { index = glyph, height = 800 * scaling, width = glyph_table.width * scaling, name = glyph_table.name, } if glyph_table.kerns then local kerns = { } for _, kern in pairs(glyph_table.kerns) do kerns[names_of_char[kern.char]] = kern.off * scaling end f.characters[char].kerns = kerns end end f.filename = filename f.type = 'real' f.format = 'opentype' f.embedding = 'subset' f.cidinfo = { registry = "Adobe", ordering = "Identity", supplement = 0, version = 1 } fontforge.close(font) end return f end function define_font_callback(name,size,id) local filename = kpse.find_file(name .. '.otf','opentype fonts') texio.write('\nLoading font ' .. filename .. '\n') local r = load_otf_font(filename,size) texio.write('done\n') return r end callback.register('define_font',define_font_callback) }} \baselineskip=12pt \font\textfont=lmroman10-regular at 10pt \textfont adventure game in the cyberpunk genre. It featured comedy elements and was developed by Revolution Software and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment. It was initially released for DOS and Amiga. Underworld was its working title. The game was the second to use Revolution Software's Virtual Theatre engine, the first being Lure of the Temptress. The game's backgrounds and introduction sequence were designed by Dave Gibbons. The introduction sequence was also included as a separate promotional comic book in some releases of the game. The game is considered to be among the true classics in the early era of graphic adventure games for the early 1990s. This, in part, is related to the mature science fiction theme that was chosen for this game as compared to other games of the same era where fantasy themes (a la King's Quest) had been dominant. Some critics have attributed this difference to the different visions of the adventure game genre between American and European developers. \tracingall \bye